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Center for Gender Studies, European Humanities University


Feeling Machines: Gender, Technologies, and Capitals

Conference dates: May 14-15, 2025

    Deadline for submission of abstracts    February 1st,  2025    ◆

The conference focuses on the socio-political dimensions of emotions, examining how they are deeply embedded within the interplay of gender, technology, and capital. Emotions are not neutral; they are shaped by political, economic, and social contexts, influencing how we re/act, on our ability to co-operate, solidarize, or atomise. Drawing on capital theory, we explore how different forms of individual capital—financial, human, emotional, symbolic, social, and others—impact emotional and gender perspectives. The triad of 'gender, technologies, and capital' is central and interdependent, forming complex dynamics.

The concept of emotional capitalism

A dual process in which emotional and economic systems influence each other, particularly within gendered labour and the IT industry—plays a significant role here. Emotional capital is often built upon gendered expectations, rendering emotions a site of exploitation and productivity, and making technologies tools for perpetuating gendered inequality and injustice.

Exploring these complex dynamics

between the emancipatory potential and the exploitation of technologies—the conference will investigate how emotions, capital, and gender interact within technological contexts. It will also examine feminist theories that frame emotions as tools for resistance and collective agency. Following Judy Wajcman's perspective, we view technology as both a cause and a consequence of gender relationships.

We invite

Scholars from different fields and disciplines (gender studies, sociology, history, anthropology,  cultural studies,  law, media studies, art and others) with various theoretical perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches to reflect on the following topics: 

Papers focusing on technologies and the IT sector are particularly welcomed

The conference is organised by the Center for Gender Studies at the European Humanities University in the framework of the “Women in Tech” project. This infrastructural educational and research project aims to support women in IT, stimulate research at the intersection of technology and feminism, and promote gender equality in high technology. The project was launched by the EHU Center for Gender Studies and is funded by the European Union.

To participate in the сonference, please submit your proposal

To email:


Feeling Machines: Gender, Technologies, and Capitals

The proposal must include:

A title, an abstract (300 words), and a short bio (max. 150 words) with contact details as one file

◆    Deadline for submission of abstracts    February 1st,  2025    ◆

◆    Authors of abstracts will be notified about selection by  February 20th,  2025    ◆

There will be no conference fees. The participants cover their expenses for travel and accommodation in Vilnius. However, the organisers can provide financial support: travel to and from Vilnius (up to 300 Euro) and offer hotel accommodation in Vilnius 

◆    Conference language:​​ English    ◆

◆    Conference format: hybrid (offline and online)    ◆

Conference Organizing Committee

Tania Arcimovich

Erfurt University, Germany

Almira Ousmanova

European Humanities University, Lithuania

Antonina Stebur

Women in Tech program, EHU

Olga Plakhotnik


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